Publicaciones de Anna Babel

Babel, A.M. (2018): Between the Andes and the Amazon. Tucson: University of Arizona Press.

Babel, A.M. (2017): “Aspirates and ejectives in Quechua-influenced Spanish”. Spanish in Context, 14(2):159-185.

Babel, A.M. (2016a): “Affective motivations for borrowing”. Language and Communication, 49(70-83).

Babel, A.M. (ed.) (2016b): Awareness and Control in Sociolinguistic Research. Cambridge University Press.

Babel, A.M. (2016c): “Silence as control: Shame and self-consciousness in sociolinguistic positioning”. En Anna M. Babel (ed.), Awareness and Control in Sociolinguistic Research. Nueva York: Cambridge University Press.

Babel, A.M. (2016d): “Introduction”. En Anna M. Babel (ed.), Awareness and Control in Sociolinguistic Research. Nueva York: Cambridge University Press.

Babel, A.M. (2014a): “The role of context in interpreting linguistic variables” . Boletín de Filología de la Universidad de Chile, 49(2):49-85.

Babel, A.M. (2014b): “Stereotypes versus Experience: Indexing regional identity in Bolivian Valley Spanish”. Journal of Sociolinguistics, 18(5):604-633.

Babel, A.M. (2014c): “Time and reminiscence in contact: Dynamism and stasis in contact-induced change”. Spanish in Context, 11(3):311-344.

Babel, A.M. y Pfänder, S.(2013): “Doing copying: Why typology doesn’t matter to language speakers”. En Congruence in Contact-Induced Language Change: Language Families, Typological Resemblance, and Perceived Similarity(De Gruyter), 239–257. .

Babel, A.M. (2012): “Uso de rasgos de contacto en el español andino: la influencia de la identidad”. Neue Romania, 41: El español andino. Espacios comunicativos y cambios gramaticales.

Babel, A.M. (2011): “Why don’t all contact features act alike? Contact features and enregistered features”. Journal of Language Contact, 4(2011):56-91.

Babel, A.M. (2010): Contact and contrast in Valley Spanish. Tesis doctoral. Michigan: Universidad de Michigan.

Babel, A.M. (2009): “Dizque, evidentiality, and stance in Valley Spanish”. Language in Society, 38(4).

Babel, A.M., McGowan, K. (en preparación): “Perceiving isn’t believing: Divergence in levels of sociolinguistic awareness”.

Babel, A.M., Soto, M. y Pfänder, S. (en preparación): “Distributed Responsibility: Interaction, cognition, and causativity in Andean Spanish”.